
簡介 Bio

馬聖豪(@aaaddress1)目前為 TXOne Networks Inc. 產品資安事件應變暨威脅研究團隊負責人。專研逆向工程分析超過十五年經驗並熱愛與涉略 漏洞技巧、Symbolic Execution、AI/ML、自然語言處理、編譯器實務 與 作業系統原理 等領域。同時他亦為台灣資安社群 CHROOT 成員,並曾任 Black Hat USA、DEFCON、CODE BLUE、S4、SECTOR、HITB、VXCON、HITCON、ROOTCON、CYBERSEC 等各個國內外年會講者與授課培訓,並著有全球熱銷中英資安書籍《Windows APT Warfare:惡意程式前線戰術指南》

Sheng-Hao Ma (@aaaddress1) is a team lead of TXOne Networks PSIRT and threat research team, responsible for coordinating product security and threat research. With over 15 years of expertise in reverse engineering, symbolic execution, malware analysis, and machine-learning, he is also part of CHROOT, a cybersecurity community in Taiwan.

As a frequent speaker, trainer, and instructor, Sheng-Hao has contributed to numerous international conferences and organizations, including Black Hat USA, DEFCON, CODE BLUE, S4, SECTOR, HITB, VXCON, HITCON, and ROOTCON, as well as the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Education. He is the author of "Windows APT Warfare: The Definitive Guide for Malware Researchers," a well-regarded cybersecurity book about reverse engineering of Windows.

聯繫方式 Contact 

  1. CHROOT 資安社群成員
  2. TXOne Networks Inc. 資深威脅研究員
  3. 工業技術研究院、資訊工業策進會、奧義智慧科技 實習生
  4. CODE BLUE 2022: ブルーチームの新潮流 - 実用的なシンボリックエンジンによる巧妙なマルウェア・ランサムウェアの検知
  5. BlackHat USA 2022: A New Trend for the Blue Team - Using a Practical Symbolic Engine to Detect Evasive Forms of Malware/Ransomware
  6. SECTOR 2023: Advancing BYOVD to A New Era - Lateral Movement on Microsoft Layer Kernel Virtualized Mitigation
  7. S4x24:  Attack Surface Analysis On Satellites
  8. DEFCON 26: Playing Malware Injection with Exploit thoughts
  9. HITB (Hack In The Box) 2021 AMS: Rebuild The Heaven's Gate: from 32 bit Hell back to Heaven Wonderland
  10. DEFCON 31: (ICS-Village) The War is Coming: Why Securing OPC-UA is more critical than ever
  11. OT-ISAC 2023: The War is Coming: Why Securing OPC-UA is more critical than ever
  12. HITCON 2023: 現代內核漏洞戰爭 - 越過所有核心防線的系統/晶片虛實混合戰法
  13. HITCON Enterprise 2023: 濫用企業通訊與公務平台之社交工程戰略
  14. COSCUP 2022: 跨國投稿從入門到精通:那些投稿大師必備的小技巧
  15. iThome CYBERSEC 2023: 笑死,能關防毒幹嘛要做免殺呢?從令牌偽造到把防毒關進沙箱隔離
  16. iThome CYBERSEC 2023: OPC-UA 汽車製造的數位轉型新曙光?攻擊者正潛伏在下一波新攻擊 ;)
  17. iThome CYBERSEC 2023: 從黑箱程式語義以污點分析對抗無限變種的在野勒索攻擊
  18. iThome CYBERSEC 2022: 現代攻擊者免殺心法:以時間鉗形戰術打穿即時防護
  19. iThome CYBERSEC 2022: 文件格式混用在野技巧:從防守盲點到惡意利用
  20. iThome CYBERSEC 2022: 從反組譯建立次世代語意感知特徵碼引擎
  21. iThome CYBERSEC 2022: 我識破你的識破:LSALSASSUSELESS
  22. iThome CYBERSEC 2021: 重建天堂之門:從 32bit 地獄一路打回天堂聖地
  23. iThome CYBERSEC 2020: 唉唷,你的簽章根本沒在驗啦。
  24. ROOTCON 2021: Skrull Like A King: From File Unlink to Persistence
  25. HITCON 2022: 藍隊新曙光 - 以語意感知之的啟發式符號引擎挫敗在野勒索軟體
  26. HITCON CMT 2021: Skrull Like A King: 從重兵看守的天眼防線殺出重圍
  27. HITCON CMT 2020: Reversing In Wonderland: Neural Network Based Malware Detection Techniques
  28. HITCON CMT 2019: Duplicate Paths Attack: Get Elevated Privilege from Forged Identities
  29. IEEE S&P (Co-located with Oakland) 2019: Demo: An Emulator-based Active Protection System against IoT Malware
  30. Black Hat Asia Arsenal 2018: PUZZCODE, MAKE BACKDOORS GREAT AGAIN!
  31. VXCON 2018 Speaker: Implementing Software Packer
  32. 果核數位 2022: 在野軍火提權戰略:攻破 Windows 11 再次奪下主控權
  33. SITCON 2020: Playing Win32 Like a K!NG ;)
  34. HITCON CMT 2015 Speaker: Android AIDS:Automatic Intelligence De-advertisement Scheme In CSharproid
  35. HITCON CMT 2015 Speaker: 欺騙IDA Pro Hex Rays插件!讓逆向分析者看見完全不同的結果 IDA Pro Hex-Rays Decompiler Cheat
  36. HITCON CMT 2016 Lightning Talk: PokemonGo Hacking without Jailbreak
  37. HITCON CMT 2017 Speaker: Windows Injection 101: from Zero to ROP
  38. HITCON CMT 2018 Speaker: Malware Sandbox Emulation in Python
  39. HoneyCon 2018: 加密與保護:揭秘程式保護殼如何防止駭客破解你的產品
  40. SITCON 2016 Speaker: 防毒擋不住?勒索病毒猖獗與實作
  41. SITCON 2017 Speaker: 開發學校雲端服務的奇技淫巧
  42. iThome#Chatbot Day 2017 Speaker: 孫子廣播電台
  43. ICNC'17 IEEE Workshop 論文: Advertisement Removal of Android Applications by Reverse Engineering

教育訓練 Training

  1. HITCON Training 2021/2020/2019: Windows APT Warfare
  2. HITCON Training 2018: from Zero to Windows Shellcode Expert
  3. 資安卓越中心計畫(CCoE)頂尖資安人才培育專案 2021, 2022
  4. 教育部資訊安全人才培育計畫: Windows 惡意程式分析實務 
  5. 教育部資安實務攻防研習營 (PwnReversing)
  6. 教育部資訊安全基礎技術工作坊 (PwnReversing)


  1. 笑死不是什麼匿名者,光明會跟共濟會到此一遊

  2. 多繳點稅,國庫繳了很多錢買美國軍火,憑你們學生也趕跟我鬥,好可憐的國家,又老又窮,還付了6000億




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[Black Asia Arsenal] puzzCode: 專注開發後門的編譯器, 自帶反逆向、對抗病毒特徵碼定位技術

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